Al Aswad Salad

This is really peak summer now. Literal midsummer, according to kids in public school, anyway. Remember how long those two months used to feel? Bananas.

In this case, eggplants! (one of my weirder segues, much apologies)

But this is what peak summer is all about. This past share saw all the necessary ingredients for a Ratatouille, a classic french stew you can find a recipe for here. And here. And a lasagna-style retake here! So if you want to go the classic route, have ats!

It is also peak barbeque, porch lounge, potluck, and too-hot-for-the-oven time, so we thought we’d do a quicker stovetop situation that pairs well with bbq mains, fresh naan or crusty bread, and sitting in a circle with friends. Serve warm from the stove top, room temp, or cold!

Al Aswad Salad

thanks to Amira's Pantry for the recipe!


  • 1 medium eggplant diced
  • 1 medium zucchini peeled and diced
  • 2 medium (or 5-6 mountain magic) tomatoes
  • 1 teaspoon crushed garlic or more, to taste
  • 3 green onions diced
  • 1 lime juiced
  • 2 tablespoons peanut butter could try with almond butter or tahini! let us know if that works! *recipe originally calls for 2 tsps but…. I went with more.
  • water to liquefy peanut butter (I just smeared the pb into a mason jar, added a bit of water, and shook furiously until it was emulsified and pourable)
  • Oil and/or butter for frying


  1. Start by frying up the garlic and the white parts of the green onion in some oil or butter until softened.
  2. Toss in the eggplant and zucchini and keep stirring until it is golden brown, then set aside.
  3. Dice the tomatoes, put in food processor or blender, and pulse.
  4. In a sauce pan bring the tomato sauce to a gentle boil.
  5. With a fork, mash the eggplants and zucchini, then add to the simmering tomato sauce.
  6. Add lime juice, stir and remove the pan from heat.
  7. Liquefy the peanut butter in some water and add to the previous mixture.
  8. Add the diced green onion and mix well.
  9. Serve with pita, naan, or crusty baguette.